Joan Freiman
The Maine landscape has had a major influence on my work as it is here in Maine that I began to paint my surroundings, to develop my language that enables me to interpret and communicate on paper and canvas what I see and feel as I daily look about me.
I work directly in the landscape and also in my studio. Though I use the landscape as my source I attempt to transcend the literal interpretation and engage the viewer in seeing something they may see daily in a different way.
Artistic influences are many- among them are Canadian artists Tom Thompson and the Group of Seven, Emily Carr, Marsden Hartley, Charles Burchfield and two of my very early painting teachers- Gustav Trois and Richard C. Ziemann. ~JF
I work directly in the landscape and also in my studio. Though I use the landscape as my source I attempt to transcend the literal interpretation and engage the viewer in seeing something they may see daily in a different way.
Artistic influences are many- among them are Canadian artists Tom Thompson and the Group of Seven, Emily Carr, Marsden Hartley, Charles Burchfield and two of my very early painting teachers- Gustav Trois and Richard C. Ziemann. ~JF